In everyone’s life, there are a few problems that can be solved. But there are some issues in life that require the help of an advisor. We at Sheetal Shaparia astrological centre gather powers & strength to make the world realise. The importance of Astrology with ace astrological guidance as per their needs.
I was born to a well-known businessman in a plush South Mumbai abode. As a child, I often witnessed dreams of me being an ardent Shaivite, who resided in the capital city of Delhi. As years passed the details of my dreams became more pronounced. On the other hand, I was gripped by Deja vu leaving me confused and listless in the prime of my girlhood years. I was able to foresee events before they even took place, sometimes inclusive of unmatched clarity of the date and time of the event. This in turn would worry me and leave me sleepless for several nights in a row…….